

We have made some updates to our radio designs that we feel are a major improvement from the last. We are on track to coming to a final decision with our gameplay.

We have also improved upon our screen ideas and how each device will work alongside one-another.


Some of the feedback we received on our previous designs included:

Using this to our next concepts, I took inspiration from retro radio devices found in everyday homes with a hint of steampunk, fantasy themes.

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These radios all vary in function, but their styles are more consumer friendly. This also helps with our previous issue of having too many buttons, dials and switches as these require less for the same job, making it easy to understand for even new users. This is what we need to consider next in our models.

New Designs

New Concepts.

New Concepts.

Our newer designs take on this feedback but still remain in a similar vein as the last concepts. The main frequency screen is still a key part of the design but the shapes are much more compact and approachable. We hope that the feeling of familiarity of old-school home stereos will influence the audiences opinions of these new radios to be in a more positive light.