

With updated visuals, there will be updated mechanics. We have made a start on getting our sequencing to work, but now we have a better system than before with more theme-fitting assets. Working on feedback is a key part of being a developer, and this is one step closer to our original intentions. Have a look!

What Changed

Instead of having two tabs open, which creates a glitch-y button, I kept to just the messages tab and the Letter of Reprimand. The buttons are still slightly broken, but with the new system it is easier to access the notes.

With this problem solved, we can move onto adding the letters, maps and other code sheets. To use the advice given to us, we moved the code sheet onto the same screen as the radio.

I made a scroll button that opens the codes on it. The radio’s digital screen still changes number, so the player will be able to pick up on what the codes mean.

Game Footage.

Game Footage.

As in the video, the background layers work nicely and the world looks far better than the first designs. The menu sets up the game-play and the UI has improved greatly. The world looks more inviting and more explicit in its intentions.


We uploaded this game to our itch page and was happy to see some feedback from our followers on Twitter.


This was a great first impression from a fan and we are happy with how helpful they have been with us. Their advice will be taken into consideration for our next upload. The main bug we ran into last week is still holding us back from something high quality and well-rounded, but we are getting closer than ever to that goal. We also need to have another look at our code system, which we are making changes to constantly.

We aim to include the rest of the scenes in the new versions, and more interactions with the worlds. My next target is to create actual sequences for the radio so that the player cannot force a response and feel greater satisfaction with a complete code input. We are still considering putting in a tutorial, but also feeling strongly about showing and not telling. Possibly including more hints and environmental story-telling will help our audience on the right track.

If you want to have a go at our game, the latest version is up for Windows players. Stay tuned for more to come!