This post is a continuation of last week’s blog: Physical Art. We thought it would be a nice touch if the letters the player receives from the fisherman’s wife were actual handwritten notes. This would add a sense of personalisation and warmth that is associated with handmade notes, which also nicely reflects the Fisherman’s Wife’s character.
Being that the fisherman and his family are very poor, they would realistically not have access to quality paper. They would use old parchment that may possibly be stained or torn.
So, to achieve a weathered look, I have taken some A4 watercolour paper, ripped the edges, crumpled it and stained it with coffee. I have also folded the paper into an aerogramme letter; where the letter itself is also the envelope.
Using a quill and black ink, the letter will be written in – legible - calligraphy to further convey the gothic aesthetic and stay true to the 18th century time frame.
Timelapse of making the letters
Timelapse of making the letters